artmap Class Reference

Artmap class - Implements the Distributed ARTMAP model. More...

#include <artmap.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  RunModeType { FUZZY, DEFAULT, IC, DISTRIB }
 The available ARTMAP models (See main page for differences between models). More...

Public Member Functions

 artmap (int M, int L)
 Artmap class constructor - Allocates internal arrays, sets initial values.
 ~artmap ()
 Artmap class destructor - frees array storage.
void train (float *a, int K)
 Trains the artmap network: Given input vector a, predict target class K.
void test (float *a)
 Tests a trained artmap network: given an input a, sets $\sigma_k$ (retrieved via getOutput()).
float getOutput (int k)
 Returns the k-th output (distributed prediction).
int getMaxOutputIndex ()
 Returns the index of the largest output prediction, which in a winner-take-all situation (fuzzy ARTMAP) is the predicted class.
void fwrite (ofstream &ofs)
 Writes out all the persistent data describing a trained ARTMAP network.
void fread (ifstream &ifs, string &specialRequest)
 Loads a trained ARTMAP network from a file.
void setParam (const string &name, const string &value)
 Provides a string-based interface for setting ARTMAP parameters.
int getC ()
 Returns the number of category nodes (aka templates learned by the network).
int getNodeClass (int j)
 Returns the output class associated with a category node with the given index.
int getLtmRequired ()
 Returns the number of bytes required to store the weights for the network.
float & tauIj (int i, int j)
 Accessor method for retrieving the model's bottom-up weights ($\tau_{ij}$ values).
float & tauJi (int i, int j)
 Accessor method for retrieving the model's top-down ($\tau_{ji}$ values).
int getOutputType (const string &name)
 Given the name of an output request, returns a number specifying the type of the output (at the moment, all outputs are of type int).
int getInt (const string &name)
 Returns the value of the specified item as an integer.
float getFloat (const string &name)
 Returns the value of the specified item as a floating point number.
string & getString (const string &name)
 Returns the value of the specified item as a string.
void requestOutput (const string &name, ofstream *ost)
 Registers a request for an output to be directed to a file.
void closeStreams ()
 Closes any streams that were passed during a requestOutput() call.
void setNetworkType (RunModeType v)
 Accessor method.
void setM (int v)
 Accessor method.
void setL (int v)
 Accessor method.
void setRhoBar (float v)
 Accessor method.
void setRhoBarTest (float v)
 Accessor method.
void setAlpha (float v)
 Accessor method.
void setBeta (float v)
 Accessor method.
void setEps (float v)
 Accessor method.
void setP (float v)
 Accessor method.
RunModeType getNetworkType ()
 Accessor method.
int getM ()
 Accessor method.
int getL ()
 Accessor method.
float getRhoBar ()
 Accessor method.
float getRhoBarTest ()
 Accessor method.
float getAlpha ()
 Accessor method.
float getBeta ()
 Accessor method.
float getEps ()
 Accessor method.
float getP ()
 Accessor method.

Private Member Functions

void complementCode (float *a)
 Complement-codes the input vector.
int F0_to_F2_signal ()
 Computes the signal function from the F0 to the F2 layer, for each of the C category nodes.
void newNode ()
 Adds a new node to the F2 layer.
void CAM_distrib ()
 Implements the Increased-Gradient Content-Addressable-Memory (CAM) model.
void CAM_WTA ()
 Implements the Winner-Take-All (WTA) Content-Addressable-Memory (CAM) model.
void F1signal_WTA ()
 Propagates a WTA signal $\sigma_i$ from the $F_3$ to the $F_1$ layer.
void F1signal_distrib ()
 Propagates a distributed signal $\sigma_i$ from the $F_3$ to the $F_1$ layer.
bool passesVigilance ()
 Implements the vigilance criterion, testing that the match is good enough.
int prediction_distrib ()
 Propagates a distributed signal from $F_3$ to $F_0^{ab}$ .
int prediction_WTA ()
 Propagates a signal from the winning $F_3$ node $J$ to $F_0^{ab}$ .
void matchTracking ()
 In response to a predictive mismatch, raises vigilance so next choice is more conservative.
void creditAssignment ()
 Adjusts activations prior to resonance (distributed mode only), so that nodes making the wrong prediction aren't allowed to learn.
void resonance_distrib ()
 When a successful prediction has been made, adjust the long-term memory weights to accomodate the newly matched sample (distributed version).
void resonance_WTA ()
 When a successful prediction has been made, adjust the long-term memory weights to accomodate the newly matched sample (WTA version).
void growF2 (float factor)
 Increase the pool of nodes available for the $F_2$ layer.
float cost (float x)
 This cost function takes the input signal $T_j$ to an F2 node, and rescales the metric so that nodes that match the training/test sample being evaluated well have low cost.
void toStr ()
 Logs all the ARTMAP network details.
void toStr_dimensions ()
 Logs the network's dimensions.
void toStr_A ()
 Logs the activations of the F1 node field, that is, the complement-coded input vector.
void toStr_nodeJTSH (int j)
 Logs the F2 input signal, along with its tonic and phasic components (H = $\Theta$ ).
void toStr_nodeJdetails (int j)
 Logs the F2 node activation (pre/post normalization = y/Y), and the class to which the node maps.
void toStr_nodeJtauIj (int j)
 Logs the Jth node's bottom-up thresholds ($\tau_{ij}$ ).
void toStr_nodeJtauJi (int j)
 Logs the Jth node's top-down thresholds ($\tau_{ji}$ ).
void toStr_x ()
 Logs the match field activations.
void toStr_sigma_i ()
 Logs the F3->F1 signal $\sigma_i$.
void toStr_sigma_k ()
 Logs the output prediction $\sigma_k$.

Private Attributes

RunModeType NetworkType
 Controls the algorithm used.
int M
 Number of inputs (before complement-coding).
int L
 Number of output classes ([1-L], not [0-(L-1)]).
float RhoBar
 Baseline vigilance - training.
float RhoBarTest
 Baseline vigilance - testing.
float Alpha
 Signal rule parameter.
float Beta
 Learning rate.
float Eps
 Match tracking parameter.
float P
 CAM rule power parameter.
int C
 Number of committed nodes.
int J
 In WTA mode, index of the winning node.
int K
 The target class (1-L, not 0-(L-1)).
float rho
 Current vigilance.
float * A
 Index ranges - i: 1-M, j: 1-C; k: 1-L Indexed by i - Complement-coded input.
float * x
 Indexed by i - F1, matching.
float * y
 Indexed by j - F2, coding.
float * Y
 Indexed by j - F3, counting.
float * T
 Indexed by j - Total F0->F2.
float * S
 Indexed by j - Phasic F0->F2.
float * H
 Indexed by j - Tonic F0->F2 (Capital Theta).
float * c
 Indexed by j - F2->F3.
bool * lambda
 Indexed by j - T if node is eligible, F otherwise.
float * sigma_i
 Indexed by i - F3->F1.
float * sigma_k
 Indexed by k - F3->F0ab.
int * kap
 Indexed by j - F3->Fab (small kappa).
float * dKap
 Distributed version of kap.
float * tIj
 Indexed by i&j - F0->F2 (tau sub ij).
float * tJi
 Indexed by j&i - F3->F1 (tau sub ji).
bool dMapWeights
 if true, use dKap, else use kap
float Tu
 Uncommitted node activation.
float sum_x
 To avoid recomputing norm.
int _2M
 To keep from repeatedly calculating 2*M.
int N
 Growable upper bound on coding nodes.
int i
int j
int k
 Indices i, j and k, so we don't have to declare 'em everywhere.
ofstream * ostCategoryActivations

Detailed Description

Artmap class - Implements the Distributed ARTMAP model.

Depending on the NetworkType setting, can emulate fuzzy ARTMAP, Default ARTMAP, or the instance counting and distributed varieties. A flowchart of the training process is shown below:


ARTMAP Training Flowchart

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum artmap::RunModeType

The available ARTMAP models (See main page for differences between models).


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

artmap::artmap int  M,
int  L

Artmap class constructor - Allocates internal arrays, sets initial values.

M - Number of inputs (feature dimensions)
L - Number of output classes
00225 {
00226   LOG_ENTER (4, "artmap::artmap(M = " << M << ", L = " << L << ")\n");
00228   _2M = 2*M;
00230   setM (M); 
00231   setL (L);
00233   N           = default_initNumNodes;
00234   NetworkType = default_NetworkType;
00235   RhoBar      = default_RhoBar;
00236   RhoBarTest  = default_RhoBarTest;
00237   Alpha       = default_Alpha;
00238   Beta        = default_Beta;
00239   Eps         = default_Eps;
00240   P           = default_P;
00242   A = new float[_2M];
00243   x = new float[_2M];
00244   sigma_i = new float[_2M];
00245   sigma_k = new float[L];
00247   y = new float[N];
00248   Y = new float[N];
00249   T = new float[N];
00250   S = new float[N];
00251   H = new float[N];
00252   c = new float[N];
00253   lambda = new bool[N];
00254   dKap = 0; // Allocated if needed in fread()
00255   kap = new int[N];
00257   tIj = new float[_2M*N];
00258   tJi = new float[N*_2M];
00260   forall_j {
00261     c[j] = 0.0;
00262     foreach_i { tauIj(i, j) = tauJi(i, j) = 0.0; }
00263   }
00265   C = 0;
00267   Tu = float(M);
00269   ostCategoryActivations = 0;
00270   dMapWeights = false;
00272   LOG_LEAVE (4);
00273 }

artmap::~artmap  ) 

Artmap class destructor - frees array storage.

00279                 {
00280   LOG_ENTER (4, "artmap::~artmap()\n");
00282   delete[] A;
00283   delete[] x;
00284   delete[] sigma_i;
00285   delete[] sigma_k;
00286   delete[] y;
00287   delete[] Y;
00288   delete[] T;
00289   delete[] S;
00290   delete[] H;
00291   delete[] c;
00292   delete[] lambda;
00293   delete[] kap;
00294   delete[] tIj;
00295   delete[] tJi;
00298   LOG_LEAVE(4);
00299 }

Member Function Documentation

void artmap::CAM_distrib  )  [private]

Implements the Increased-Gradient Content-Addressable-Memory (CAM) model.

In contrast to the WTA CAM rule, this CAM rule yields a distributed set of activations across the F2 layer. As in the WTA CAM, only nodes in the set $\Lambda$ are eligible for the competition. The computation is based on the cost() function as follows:

  • Any nodes with zero cost are called 'point boxes' and are added to the ptBoxArray (called $\Lambda''$ in the distributed ARTMAP paper). Any such nodes (there may be overlapping point boxes as the winners) receive all the activation, which they split equally. In other words, in this case the activation will not be distributed to the rest of the F2 layer nodes.
  • If there are no point boxes that contain the input, then all nodes in $\Lambda$ split the activation according to $y_j=1/({{cost(T_j)^P}\cdot{\sum_{\lambda\in\Lambda}cost(T_\lambda)^{-P}}})$
  • The power $P$ in the previous equation serves to tune the contrast in the resulting activation gradient across nodes, hence the name 'increased-gradient' for this CAM.
  • If using the instance-counting or distributed models, the activation is then weighted by the instance count $c_j$ , which gives extra weight to those nodes that have more 'experience', i.e., they have been associated with more training samples.
  • Finally, the activations are normalized to sum to 1 across the F2 layer.
00487 {
00488   LOG_ENTER (4, "CAM_distrib()\n");
00490   float *costArray  = new float[C];
00491   bool  *ptBoxArray = new bool [C];
00492   int numPtBoxes = 0;
00494   foreach_j { 
00495     if (lambda[j] && ((costArray[j] = cost(T[j])) < tinyNum)) {
00496       if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("Input is contained in point box at node " << j << "\n"); }
00497         ptBoxArray[j] = true;
00498         numPtBoxes++; 
00499       } else {
00500       ptBoxArray[j] = false;
00501     }
00502   }
00504   if (numPtBoxes == 0) {
00505     if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("No point boxes contain the input\n"); }
00507     float  sumOfInvCosts = 0.0; // First compute denominator term 
00508     foreach_j { if (lambda[j]) sumOfInvCosts += 1.0f / (pow (cost (T[j]), P)); }
00509     foreach_j { y[j] = ((lambda[j]) ? (1.0f / (pow (cost(T[j]), P) * sumOfInvCosts)) : 0.0f); }
00510   } else {
00511     if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("Input is contained in " << numPtBoxes << " point boxes\n"); }
00512     foreach_j { y[j] = ((ptBoxArray[j]) ? (1.0f / numPtBoxes) : 0.0f); }    
00513   }
00515   // Calculate F3 activation:
00516   float  denom = 0.0;
00517   if (NetworkType == DEFAULT) {
00518     foreach_j { denom += y[j]; }
00519     foreach_j { Y[j] = y[j] / denom; }
00520   } else if ((NetworkType == IC) || (NetworkType == DISTRIB)) {
00521     foreach_j { denom += c[j] * y[j]; }
00522     foreach_j { Y[j] = c[j] * y[j] / denom; }
00523   } else
00524     MSG_EXCEPTION  ("Called increasedGradientCAM() with NetworkType = " << NetworkType);
00526   if (LOG_LEVEL(5)) { foreach_j { INDENT; LOG ("Node " << j << " - "); toStr_nodeJdetails(j); } }
00528   delete[] costArray;
00529   delete[] ptBoxArray;
00531   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00532 }

void artmap::CAM_WTA  )  [private]

Implements the Winner-Take-All (WTA) Content-Addressable-Memory (CAM) model.

The node with the largest $T_j$ value that is also in the set $\Lambda$ is declared the winner. Its activation $Y_j$ value is set to 1, and that of all the other nodes is set to 0.
If several nodes are tied for the largest $T_j$ value, then one of them is chosen at random. The winning node with index J is then removed from the set $\Lambda$ .

00417                       {
00418   LOG_ENTER (4, "CAM_WTA() - ");
00420   isFromTie = false;
00421   vector<int> tied;
00422   float  maxTj = -1.0;
00423   foreach_j { // Looking only at eligible nodes, find all maximal T[j]s
00424     if (lambda[j]) {
00425       if (T[j] > maxTj) { 
00426         tied.clear(); tied.push_back(j);
00427         maxTj = T[j];
00428       } else if (fabs (T[j]-maxTj) < tinyNum) {  // floating pt '==' 
00429          tied.push_back(j);
00430       }
00431     }
00433     y[j] = Y[j] = 0;
00434   }
00436   // If tie for winner, choose at random from list of ties
00437   int idx = (tied.size() > 1) ? (rand() % (int)tied.size()) : 0;
00438   J =;
00440   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { 
00441     if (tied.size() > 1) {
00442       isFromTie = true;
00443       LOG((int)tied.size() << " nodes tied: ");
00444       for (int i = 0; i < tied.size(); i++) {
00445         LOG( << " (" << T[] << "), ");
00446       } 
00447       LOG (" -> chose " << J << " at random");
00448       LOG (endl);
00449     }
00450   }
00452   y[J] = Y[J] = 1;
00454   lambda[J] = false;  // Node J no longer eligible
00456   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { LOG ("Node "<<J<<" wins\n"); }
00458   LOG_LEAVE(4);
00459 }

void artmap::closeStreams  ) 

Closes any streams that were passed during a requestOutput() call.

01100                            {
01102   if (ostCategoryActivations != 0) {
01103     ostCategoryActivations->close();
01104     delete ostCategoryActivations;
01105     ostCategoryActivations = 0;
01106   }
01107 }

void artmap::complementCode float *  a  )  [private]

Complement-codes the input vector.

In other words, doubles the size of the input vector by setting $A_i=a_i$ and $A_{i+M}=1-a_i$ .

a Input values indexed from 0 to M-1, each in [0, 1]
00314 {
00315   LOG_ENTER (5, "complementCode(): ")
00317   for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
00318     A[i]   =       a[i];
00319     A[i+M] = 1.0f - a[i];
00320   }
00322   if (LOG_LEVEL(5)) { INDENT; toStr_A(); }
00324   LOG_LEAVE(5)
00325 }

float artmap::cost float  x  )  [inline, private]

This cost function takes the input signal $T_j$ to an F2 node, and rescales the metric so that nodes that match the training/test sample being evaluated well have low cost.

It reaches a minimum of zero when the argument $T_j$ is equal to $(2-\alpha)M$ , which corresponds to the training/test sample falling within a point category box.

x The input signal $T_j$ to a category node.
A measure of the 'cost' of the category node with respect to a particular training/test sample.
00121 { return ((2-Alpha)*M - x); }

void artmap::creditAssignment  )  [private]

Adjusts activations prior to resonance (distributed mode only), so that nodes making the wrong prediction aren't allowed to learn.

The following adjustments are made to activations:

  • $F_2$ node activations are set to 0 if they made the wrong prediction (i.e., $\kappa(j)\neq{K}$ )
  • The remaining $F_2$ node activations ($y_j$ ) are normalized.
  • The $F_3$ node activations ($Y_j$ ) are recalculated and normalized.
  • The $\sigma_i$ are recomputed based on the new ($Y_j$ ) values.
00720 {
00721   LOG_ENTER (4, "creditAssignment()\n");
00723   if (dMapWeights) MSG_EXCEPTION ("ARTMAP::creditAssignment() - distributed map weights not yet supported during training");
00725   float  sum_y  = 0.0;
00726   float  sum_cy = 0.0;
00728   // F2 blackout
00729   foreach_j {
00730     if (kap[j] != K) { y[j] = 0.0; } 
00731     else { sum_y  += y[j];   }
00732   }
00734   foreach_j {
00735     y[j] /= sum_y;                 // F2 activation
00736     sum_cy += c[j] * y[j];
00737   }
00739   foreach_j {
00740     Y[j] = c[j] * y[j] / sum_cy;   // F3 activation
00742     if (LOG_LEVEL(6)){ INDENT; toStr_nodeJdetails(j); }
00743   }
00745   // F3->F1 signal
00746   foreach_i {
00747     sigma_i[i] = 0.0;
00748     foreach_j { sigma_i[i] += pos(Y[j] - tauJi(i, j)); }
00749   }
00751   if (LOG_LEVEL(6)) { INDENT; toStr_sigma_i(); }
00752   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00753 }

int artmap::F0_to_F2_signal  )  [private]

Computes the signal function from the F0 to the F2 layer, for each of the C category nodes.

Each node with signal value $T_j$ greater than the uncommited node activation $T_U=M$ is added to the set $\Lambda$ . The meaning of the set $\Lambda$ is extended in the implementation to also encompass that of the set $\Delta$ , as used in the Distributed ARTMAP paper. Specifically, it represents those nodes that are both more active than the uncommitted node baseline activation, and those that have not yet been reset. In other words, it represents those nodes that are still eligible to encode the input. This change in meaning simplifies the algorithm and enhances the efficiency of the implementation, which only has to check a single set for node eligibility, rather than two. The value eligibleNodes is maintained in the main train() function, so that it need not be recomputed thereafter.

The value of eligibleNodes
00373                             {
00374   LOG_ENTER (4, "F0_to_F2_signal() - evaluating " << C << " nodes\n");
00376   int eligibleNodes = 0;
00378   foreach_j {
00379     S[j] = H[j] = 0.0;
00381     foreach_i {
00382       S[j] += min (A[i], (1 - tauIj(i, j)));
00383       H[j] += tauIj(i, j);
00384     }
00386     T[j] = (S[j] + (1 - Alpha) * H[j]);
00388     if (T[j] >= Tu) { eligibleNodes++; lambda[j] = true; } else lambda[j] = false;
00389   }
00391   if (LOG_LEVEL(5)) { 
00392     if (eligibleNodes == 0) {INDENT; LOG("No nodes are similar enough!");}
00393     foreach_j {
00394       if (lambda[j]) {
00395     if (LOG_LEVEL(6)) {INDENT; LOG("Si" << j << ": "); foreach_i { LOGF(min (A[i],(1-tauIj(i,j)))); } LOG ("\n"); }
00396     if (LOG_LEVEL(6)) {INDENT; LOG("Hi" << j << ": "); foreach_i { LOGF(tauIj(i,j));                } LOG ("\n"); }
00397     INDENT; LOG ("Node " << j << " - "); toStr_nodeJTSH(j);
00398       }
00399     }
00400   }
00402   LOG_LEAVE(4);
00404   return eligibleNodes;
00405 }

void artmap::F1signal_distrib  )  [private]

Propagates a distributed signal $\sigma_i$ from the $F_3$ to the $F_1$ layer.

This code implements the equation $\sigma_i=\sum_{j=0}^{C-1}{[Y_j-\tau_{ji}]}^+$ , sending from each $F_3$ node $j$ to each $F_1$ node $i$ whatever part of the activation level $Y_j$ exceeds the threshold $\tau_{ji}$ .

00541                               {
00542   LOG_ENTER (4, "F1signal_distrib()\n");
00544   // Calculate F3->F1 signal:
00545   foreach_i {
00546     sigma_i[i] = 0.0;
00547     foreach_j {
00548       sigma_i[i] += pos (Y[j] - tauJi(i, j));
00549     }
00550   }
00552   if (LOG_LEVEL(5)) { INDENT; toStr_sigma_i(); }
00553   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00554 }

void artmap::F1signal_WTA  )  [private]

Propagates a WTA signal $\sigma_i$ from the $F_3$ to the $F_1$ layer.

This code implements a special case of the distributed version F1signal_distrib(), used in cases where activation at $F_3$ is winner-take-all, i.e., only a single node with index $J$ is active. In this case there's no need to iterate over $F_3$ , and it's much more efficient to just send the signal $\sigma_i=1-\tau_{iJ}$ . Note that using default ARTMAP notation, this is equivalent to $\sigma_i=W_{iJ}$ .

00565                           {
00566   LOG_ENTER (4, "F1signal_WTA()\n");
00568   // F3->F1 signal
00569   foreach_i {
00570     sigma_i[i] = (1 - tauJi (i, J));
00571   }
00573   if (LOG_LEVEL(5)) { INDENT; toStr_sigma_i(); }
00574   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00575 }

void artmap::fread ifstream &  ifs,
string &  specialRequest

Loads a trained ARTMAP network from a file.

See fwrite() for the file format.
This method also supports a 'dMapWeights' experimental mode, which offers a distributed mapping from category nodes to output classes. In other words, rather than one-to-one mappings between category nodes and output classes, one can specify a fully interconnected set of weights between the two. This set of distributed weights must be created externally (we used MATLAB's pinv() function to create a set of distributed weights). To use this approach, first load the thresholds in the normal way (i.e., with specialRequest = ""), and then make a second call to fread(), this time setting specialRequest to "dMapWeights". Instead of loading a normal trained network file, a set of distributed weights is loaded, in the following format:

  • C lines (C = # of categories), each containing:
    • K floating point values (K = # of output classes)
Each value specifies the weight from a category node to an output class.
ifs The input filestream from which to load the trained model.
specialRequest Normally set to "", but for the experimental mode mentioned above, set to "dMapWeights".
00833 {
00834   if (specialRequest == "") {  // Standard case - just load weights, map field weight and instance count
00835     ifs >> C;
00837     while (C > N) { growF2 (default_F2growthRate); }
00838     foreach_j {
00839       foreach_i { ifs >> tauIj(i,j); }
00840       foreach_i { ifs >> tauJi(i,j); }
00841       ifs >> kap[j] >> c[j];
00842     }
00843   } else if (strnicmp (specialRequest, string ("dMapWeights"))) {
00844     // Special case - load distributed map field weights - C * L weights
00845     dKap = new float[N*L];
00846     foreach_j { foreach_k { ifs >> dKap[j*L+k]; } }
00847     dMapWeights = true;
00849     if (LOG_LEVEL(2)) LOG ("Distributed map weights loaded...\n");
00850   } else MSG_EXCEPTION ("ARTMAP::fread() - unknown request: " << specialRequest);
00851 }

void artmap::fwrite ofstream &  ofs  ) 

Writes out all the persistent data describing a trained ARTMAP network.

The output format is as follows:

  • First, the value of C, i.e., the number of category nodes that have been created during training
  • Then, C lines, each containing:
    • The bottom-up thresholds associated with the category node ($\tau_{ij}$ values). There are 2M of these.
    • The top-down thresholds associated with the category node ($\tau_{ji}$ values). There are 2M of these.
    • The index of the class the category node maps to.
    • The instance count for the node, i.e., how many training samples have have been associated with the category node.
Note that the output is in distributed ARTMAP format, i.e., these are thresholds, rather than fuzzy/Default ARTMAP weights. To interpret the values as weighs, just substitute $W_{ij} = 1-\tau_{ij}$ . Also note that the $\tau_{ij}$ and $\tau_{ji}$ values will be identical except when the distributed ARTMAP model was used during training.
ofs The output filestream to which to send the weight data.
00872 {
00873   if (dMapWeights) {
00874     MSG_EXCEPTION ("ARTMAP::fwrite() - saving distributed map weights not implemented");
00875   } else {
00876     ofs << C << endl;
00877     foreach_j {
00878       foreach_i { ofs << tauIj(i, j) << " "; }
00879       foreach_i { ofs << tauJi(i, j) << " "; }
00880       ofs << kap[j] << " " << c[j] << endl;
00881     }
00882   }
00883 }

float artmap::getAlpha  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

float artmap::getBeta  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

int artmap::getC  )  [inline]

Returns the number of category nodes (aka templates learned by the network).

00160 { return C;           }

float artmap::getEps  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

float artmap::getFloat const string &  name  ) 

Returns the value of the specified item as a floating point number.

There are currently no legal requests.

name A string specifying the item to retrieve
the requested item
MSG_EXCEPTION If the request is not one of the legal values
01049                                            {
01050   LOG_ENTER (4, "artmap::getFloat("<< name <<")\n");
01052   if (0) {
01054   } else MSG_EXCEPTION ("artmap::getFloat() - Unknown request (" << name << ")");
01056   LOG_LEAVE(4)
01057 }

int artmap::getInt const string &  name  ) 

Returns the value of the specified item as an integer.

There are currently two legal requests:

  • f2Nodes - The number of f2Nodes (also available via getC()).
  • memory - The number of bytes needed to store the $\tau_{ij}$ and $\tau_{ji}$ values.
    name A string specifying the item to retrieve
    the requested item
    MSG_EXCEPTION If the request is not one of the legal values
01029                                      {
01030   LOG_ENTER (4, "artmap::getInt("<< name <<")\n");
01032   if (strnicmp (name, string("f2Nodes"))) {
01033   return C;
01034   } else if (strnicmp (name, string("memory"))) {
01035   return C * M * 4 * sizeof (float );
01036   } else MSG_EXCEPTION ("artmap::getInt() - Unknown request (" << name << ")");
01038   LOG_LEAVE(4)
01039 }

int artmap::getL  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

int artmap::getLtmRequired  )  [inline]

Returns the number of bytes required to store the weights for the network.

00164 { return C * M * 2 * sizeof (float ); }

int artmap::getM  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

int artmap::getMaxOutputIndex  )  [inline]

Returns the index of the largest output prediction, which in a winner-take-all situation (fuzzy ARTMAP) is the predicted class.

The index of the predicted class, or -1 if there's a tie.
00150                               { 
00151     std::valarray<float> outs = std::valarray<float> (sigma_k, L);
00152     return getIndexOfMaxElt (outs);
00153   }

RunModeType artmap::getNetworkType  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

int artmap::getNodeClass int  j  )  [inline]

Returns the output class associated with a category node with the given index.

00162 { if ((j < 0) || (j > C) || dMapWeights) { return -1; } else { return kap[j]; } }

float artmap::getOutput int  k  )  [inline]

Returns the k-th output (distributed prediction).

k The index of the output to retrieve
The predicted likelihood that the input is of class k If no choice is appropriate, then all output values are 1.0
00144 { return sigma_k[k]; }

int artmap::getOutputType const string &  name  ) 

Given the name of an output request, returns a number specifying the type of the output (at the moment, all outputs are of type int).

name The name of the output for which the type is desired
0 - int, 1 - float, 2 - string
01009                                              {
01010   LOG_ENTER (4, "artmap::getOutputType("<< name <<")\n");
01011   if        (strnicmp (name, string("f2Nodes"))) {
01012     return 0;
01013   } else if (strnicmp (name, string("memory"))) {
01014     return 0;
01015   } else MSG_EXCEPTION ("artmap::getOutputType() - Unknown request (" << name << ")");
01017   LOG_LEAVE(4)
01018 }

float artmap::getP  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

float artmap::getRhoBar  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

float artmap::getRhoBarTest  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

string & artmap::getString const string &  name  ) 

Returns the value of the specified item as a string.

There are currently no legal requests.

name A string specifying the item to retrieve
the requested item
MSG_EXCEPTION If the request is not one of the legal values
01067                                              {
01068   LOG_ENTER (4, "artmap::getString("<< name <<")\n");
01070   if (0) {
01072   } else MSG_EXCEPTION ("artmap::getString() - Unknown request (" << name << ")");
01074   LOG_LEAVE(4)
01075 }

void artmap::growF2 float  factor  )  [private]

Increase the pool of nodes available for the $F_2$ layer.

This method has been temporarily disabled (there seemed to be a bug associated with growing the $F_2$ layer). Until the bug is resolved, a fixed pool of 20,000 nodes is available for growing the $F_2$ layer.

00892                                   {
00893   LOG_ENTER (4, "growF2()\n");
00895   //******************
00897   cout << "Ran out of F2 nodes - increase default_initNumNodes" << endl;
00899   exit (0);
00900 #if 0
00901   if (factor <= 1.0) { cout << "Growth factor (" <<factor<< ") must be > 1\n"; exit (0); }
00903   int newN = int (N * factor);
00905   float *fTmp; int *iTmp; bool *bTmp;
00907   fTmp = new float[newN]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { fTmp[i] = y[i]; } delete[] y; y = fTmp;
00908   fTmp = new float[newN]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { fTmp[i] = Y[i]; } delete[] Y; Y = fTmp;
00909   fTmp = new float[newN]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { fTmp[i] = T[i]; } delete[] T; T = fTmp;
00910   fTmp = new float[newN]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { fTmp[i] = S[i]; } delete[] S; S = fTmp;
00911   fTmp = new float[newN]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { fTmp[i] = H[i]; } delete[] H; H = fTmp;
00912   fTmp = new float[newN]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { fTmp[i] = c[i]; } delete[] c; c = fTmp;
00914   bTmp = new bool[newN]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { bTmp[i] = lambda[i]; } delete[] lambda; lambda = bTmp;
00915   iTmp = new int [newN]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { iTmp[i] = kap[i];    } delete[] kap;    kap    = iTmp;
00917   fTmp = new float[newN*_2M]; for (int i = 0; i < N*_2M; i++) { fTmp[i] = tIj[i]; } delete[] tIj; tIj = fTmp;
00918   fTmp = new float[newN*_2M]; for (int i = 0; i < N*_2M; i++) { fTmp[i] = tJi[i]; } delete[] tJi; tJi = fTmp;
00920   N = newN;
00921 #endif
00922   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00923 }

void artmap::matchTracking  )  [private]

In response to a predictive mismatch, raises vigilance so next choice is more conservative.

Vigilance ($\rho$ ) is raised to $[(\sum{|A_i\wedge\sigma_i|})/M]+\epsilon$ .

00699 {
00700   LOG_ENTER (4, "matchTracking() ");
00702   rho = (sum_x / M) + Eps;
00704   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { LOG ("Raised vigilance to " << rho << "\n"); };
00706   LOG_LEAVE(4);
00707 }

void artmap::newNode  )  [private]

Adds a new node to the F2 layer.

The new node is set as the WTA winner of the competition at F2, and its thresholds, map weights, instance count and activation values are initialized.

00334                      {
00335   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("Committing new node: " << C+1 << " mapping to category " << K << "\n"); }
00337   if (C == (N-1)) growF2(default_F2growthRate);
00339   J = C++;
00341   if (dMapWeights) {
00342     foreach_k { dKap[J*L + k] = 0.0f; }
00343     dKap[J*L + K] = 1.0f;
00344   } else {
00345     kap[J] = K;
00346   }
00348   foreach_k { sigma_k[k] = 0; } 
00349   sigma_k[K] = 1;
00351   foreach_j { y[j] = Y[j] = 0; }
00352   y[J] = Y[J] = 1;
00354   // Set initial values for the node's weights
00355   foreach_i { tauIj(i,J) = tauJi(i,J) = 1.0f - A[i]; }
00357   c[J] = 1; // Initialize instance count
00358 }

bool artmap::passesVigilance  )  [private]

Implements the vigilance criterion, testing that the match is good enough.

In other words, checks that the selected category node encodes a template that is close enough to the input vector, as compared to the vigilance parameter $\rho$ . More specifically, the function returns false if ${|A\wedge\sigma|}<\rho{M}$ holds.

The inaccuracy of floating point computation requires a slight fudge in the comparison to $\rho{M}$ . This was in response to a bug in which a newly committed node did not satisfy the vigilance criterion when it was set to maximum (1.0), as ${|A\wedge\sigma|}$ was infinitesimaly smaller than $M$ . The value tinyNum is set to $10^{-7}$ .

00592 {
00593   LOG_ENTER (4, "passesVigilance()\n");
00595   bool result;
00596   sum_x = 0.0;
00598   foreach_i { sum_x += min (A[i], sigma_i[i]);  }
00600   if (LOG_LEVEL(6)) { INDENT; LOG ("sum_x = " << sum_x << "\n"); }
00602   // Decrease rho by tiny amount - compensate for float inaccuracy
00603   if ((sum_x / M) < (rho - tinyNum)) {
00604     if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG(std::setprecision(8)<< "Failed vigilance, " <<sum_x<< " / " <<M<< " < " <<rho<< "\n");}
00605     result = false;
00606   }
00607   else {
00608     if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { 
00609       INDENT; 
00610       if (rho < tinyNum) {
00611         LOG ("Passed vigilance w/ rho = 0\n"); 
00612       } else {
00613         LOG ("Passed vigilance, " <<sum_x<< " / " <<M<< " >= " <<rho<< "\n"); 
00614       }
00615     }
00616     result = true;
00617   }
00619   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00621   return result;
00622 }

int artmap::prediction_distrib  )  [private]

Propagates a distributed signal from $F_3$ to $F_0^{ab}$ .

More specifically, the function implements


for those values of $k$ for which $\kappa(j)=k$ for some $j$ . In addition, it sets $K'$ , the index of the predicted output class, to the index of the largest $\sigma_k$ value.

$K'$ , the index of the predicted output class
00635 {
00636   LOG_ENTER (4, "prediction_distrib()\n");
00638   foreach_k { sigma_k[k] = 0.0; }
00639   if (dMapWeights) {
00640     foreach_j { foreach_k {sigma_k[k] += dKap[j*L + k] * Y[j]; }}
00641   } else {
00642     foreach_j { sigma_k[(int) kap[j]] += Y[j]; }
00643   }
00645   if (LOG_LEVEL(5)) { INDENT; toStr_sigma_k(); }
00647   float  sigma_kp = -1.0;
00648   int    Kprime   = -1;
00650   foreach_k { if (sigma_k[k] > sigma_kp) { Kprime = k; sigma_kp = sigma_k[k]; } }
00652   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("Predicting class " << Kprime << "\n"); }
00653   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00655   return Kprime;
00656 }

int artmap::prediction_WTA  )  [private]

Propagates a signal from the winning $F_3$ node $J$ to $F_0^{ab}$ .

$K'=\kappa(J)$ , the index of the predicted output class
00663                            {
00664   LOG_ENTER (4, "prediction_WTA()\n");
00666   foreach_k { sigma_k[k] = 0.0; }
00668   int    Kprime   = -1;
00670   if (dMapWeights) {
00671     foreach_k {sigma_k[k] += dKap[J*L + k]; }
00673     float  sigma_kp = -1.0;
00675     foreach_k {  // find biggest
00676       if (sigma_k[k] > sigma_kp) { 
00677         Kprime = k; sigma_kp = sigma_k[k]; 
00678       } 
00679     }
00680   } else {
00681     Kprime = kap[J];
00683     sigma_k[Kprime]= 1.0;
00684   }
00686   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("Predicting class " << Kprime << "\n"); }
00688   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00690   return Kprime;
00691 }

void artmap::requestOutput const string &  name,
ofstream *  ost

Registers a request for an output to be directed to a file.

Currently the only legal request is "yjs", but this method is provided to allow for additional output requests to be added in the future. The request "yjs" results in the $Y_j$ values (category node activations) being logged for each test sample.

name The name of the request
ost The output filestream to which to send the request
MSG_EXCEPTION If the request is not one of the legal values
01087                                                              {
01088   LOG_ENTER (4, "artmap::requestOutput("<< name <<")\n");
01090   if (strnicmp (name, string ("yjs"))) {
01091     ostCategoryActivations = ost;
01092   } else MSG_EXCEPTION ("artmap::requestOutput() - unknown request (" << name << ")");;
01094   LOG_LEAVE(4)
01095 }

void artmap::resonance_distrib  )  [private]

When a successful prediction has been made, adjust the long-term memory weights to accomodate the newly matched sample (distributed version).

For the distributed version of resonance, the thresholds attached to all the active nodes have to be adjusted, according to:



and the node's instance counts are increased: $c_j=c_j+y_j$ .

00788 {
00789   LOG_ENTER (4, "resonance_distrib()\n")
00791   foreach_j {
00792     foreach_i {
00793       // Increase F0->F2 threshold (distributed instar)
00794       tauIj(i, j) += Beta * pos(y[j] - tauIj(i, j) - A[i]);
00796       // Increase F3->F1 threshold (distributed outstar)
00797       if (sigma_i[i] != 0.0) {
00798         tauJi(i, j) += Beta * (pos(sigma_i[i] - A[i]) / sigma_i[i]) * pos(Y[j] - tauJi(i, j));
00799       }
00800     }
00802     if (LOG_LEVEL(5)) { INDENT; toStr_nodeJtauIj(j); INDENT; toStr_nodeJtauJi(j); }
00804     c[j] += y[j]; // Increase F2->F3 instance counting weights
00805   }
00807   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00808 }

void artmap::resonance_WTA  )  [private]

When a successful prediction has been made, adjust the long-term memory weights to accomodate the newly matched sample (WTA version).

For the WTA version of resonance, just the thresholds attached to the winning node $J$ have to be adjusted, according to: $\tau_{iJ}=\tau_{Ji}=\tau_{iJ}^{old}+\beta[1-\tau_{iJ}^{old}-A_i]^+$ , and the node's instance count is incremented: $c_J=c_J+1$ .

00763                            {
00764   LOG_ENTER (4, "resonance_wta()\n");
00766   // Use winner-take-all version of learning law
00767   foreach_i { tauIj(i,J) = tauJi(i,J) = tauIj(i,J) + Beta * pos (1.0f - tauIj(i,J) - A[i]); }
00769   c[J] += y[J]; // Increase F2->F3 instance counting weights
00771   if (LOG_LEVEL(5)) { INDENT; LOG ("IC = " << c[J] << ", "); toStr_nodeJtauIj(J); }
00772   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00773 }

void artmap::setAlpha float  v  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

void artmap::setBeta float  v  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

void artmap::setEps float  v  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

void artmap::setL int  v  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

void artmap::setM int  v  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

void artmap::setNetworkType RunModeType  v  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

void artmap::setP float  v  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

void artmap::setParam const string &  name,
const string &  value

Provides a string-based interface for setting ARTMAP parameters.

Legal values are:

  • Model: 'fuzzy', 'default', 'ic', or 'distrib'
  • Rhobar: a floating point value in [0, 1]
  • RhobarTest: a floating point value in [0, 1]
  • Alpha, Beta, Eps, P: A floating point value (range not checked)
name The parameter to be set
value The value to set it to
MSG_EXCEPTION For unknown parameter names or illegal values
00958                                                               {
00959   istringstream valOss (value);
00960   float val;
00962   LOG_ENTER (4, "artmap::setParam()\n");
00964   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) LOG ("Setting " << name.c_str() << " to " << value.c_str() << "\n");
00966   if (strnicmp (name, string("Model"))) {
00967   if (strnicmp (value, string("fuzzy")))   setNetworkType (FUZZY);
00968   else if (strnicmp (value, string("default"))) setNetworkType (DEFAULT);
00969   else if (strnicmp (value, string("ic")))      setNetworkType (IC);
00970   else if (strnicmp (value, string("distrib"))) setNetworkType (DISTRIB);
00971   else MSG_EXCEPTION ("ArtmapParams::setValue() - Unknown Artmap model requested (" << value << ")");
00973   } else if (strnicmp (name, string("RhoBar"))) {
00974   if (!(valOss >> val)) { MSG_EXCEPTION ("ArtmapParams::setValue() - Couldn't read value of RhoBar"); }
00975   if ((val < 0) || (val > 1.0)) MSG_EXCEPTION ("ArtmapParams::setValue() - Rhobar out of range [0, 1]");
00976   RhoBar = val;
00978   } else if (strnicmp (name, string("RhoBarTest"))) {
00979   if (!(valOss >> val)) { MSG_EXCEPTION ("ArtmapParams::setValue() - Couldn't read value of RhoBarTest"); }
00980   if ((val < 0) || (val > 1.0)) MSG_EXCEPTION ("ArtmapParams::setValue() - RhobarTest out of range [0, 1]");
00981   RhoBarTest = val;
00983   } else if (strnicmp (name, string("Alpha"))) {
00984   if (!(valOss >> val)) { MSG_EXCEPTION ("ArtmapParams::setValue() - Couldn't read value of Alpha"); }
00985   Alpha = val;
00987   } else if (strnicmp (name, string("Beta"))) {
00988   if (!(valOss >> val)) { MSG_EXCEPTION ("ArtmapParams::setValue() - Couldn't read value of Beta"); }
00989   Beta = val;
00991   } else if (strnicmp (name, string("Eps"))) {
00992   if (!(valOss >> val)) { MSG_EXCEPTION ("ArtmapParams::setValue() - Couldn't read value of Eps"); }
00993   Eps = val;
00995   } else if (strnicmp (name, string("P"))) {
00996   if (!(valOss >> val)) { MSG_EXCEPTION ("ArtmapParams::setValue() - Couldn't read value of P"); }
00997   P = val;
00998   } else MSG_EXCEPTION ("artmap::setParam() - Unknown param (" << name << ")");
01000   LOG_LEAVE(4)
01001 }

void artmap::setRhoBar float  v  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

void artmap::setRhoBarTest float  v  )  [inline]

Accessor method.

float & artmap::tauIj int  i,
int  j

Accessor method for retrieving the model's bottom-up weights ($\tau_{ij}$ values).

i Index of the (complement-coded) input field node associated with the weight (in [0, 2M))
j Index of the category node associated with the weight (in [0, C))
00931                                    { 
00932   return tIj[j*_2M + i]; 
00933 }

float & artmap::tauJi int  i,
int  j

Accessor method for retrieving the model's top-down ($\tau_{ji}$ values).

j Index of the category node associated with the weight (in [0, C))
i Index of the (complement-coded) input field node associated with the weight (in [0, 2M))
00941                                    { 
00942   return tJi[j*_2M + i]; 
00943 }

void artmap::test float *  a  ) 

Tests a trained artmap network: given an input a, sets $\sigma_k$ (retrieved via getOutput()).

a - Input values 0..M-1, each in [0, 1]
Nothing - use getOutput() to get the predictions.
The code implements the logic shown in the following flowchart.
  • The ‘WTA’ branch through the flowchart corresponds to the Fuzzy ARTMAP model, while the ‘distrib’ is used by the other models.
  • Note that testing has fewer steps than training, but both run in time proportional to at least O(C*M). However, C increases during training, but stays at a single, relatively large value during testing, so training is not necessarily slower than testing a data set of a similar size.
  • If no category node is a close enough match to the input, the "don't know" option is chosen. In this case, all outputs are set to 1.

ARTMAP Testing Flowchart

00179 {
00180   LOG_ENTER (4, "\ntest(");
00181   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("["); for (i=0;i<M;i++)LOGF(a[i]); LOG ("])\n"); }
00183   isFromTie = false;
00184   bool dontKnow = false;
00185   bool d = (NetworkType == FUZZY) ? false : true;
00187   rho = RhoBarTest;          
00189   complementCode(a);  
00191   int eligibleNodes = F0_to_F2_signal();
00193   if (eligibleNodes > 0) {
00194     if (d) {
00195       CAM_distrib(); F1signal_distrib();
00196     } else { 
00197       CAM_WTA();     F1signal_WTA();
00198     }
00199     if (passesVigilance()) 
00200       if (d) {prediction_distrib(); } else { prediction_WTA(); }
00201     else {
00202       dontKnow = true;
00203     }
00204   } else {
00205     dontKnow = true;
00206   }
00208   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { if (isFromTie) LOG("Node " << J << " (from tie) wins" << endl); }
00210   if (dontKnow) {
00211     foreach_k { sigma_k[k] = 1; } // "Don't know" sets all outputs to 1
00212   }
00214   if (ostCategoryActivations) { foreach_j { (*ostCategoryActivations) << Y[j] << " "; } (*ostCategoryActivations) << endl;  }
00215   LOG_LEAVE(4)    
00216 }

void artmap::toStr  )  [private]

Logs all the ARTMAP network details.

00109                    {
00110   LOG ("*******************************************************\n");
00111   toStr_dimensions();
00112   LOG ("J: " << J << ", K: " << K << "\n\n");
00114   toStr_A();
00115   LOG ("\n--------------------------------------------\n");
00116   foreach_j {
00117     LOG ("Node " << j << "\n");
00118     toStr_nodeJdetails(j);
00119     toStr_nodeJtauIj(j);
00120     toStr_nodeJtauJi(j);
00121     LOG ("--------------------------------------------\n");
00122   }
00124   toStr_x ();
00125   toStr_sigma_i ();
00126   toStr_sigma_k ();
00128   LOG ("=======================================================\n");
00129 }

void artmap::toStr_A  )  [private]

Logs the activations of the F1 node field, that is, the complement-coded input vector.

00022                      {
00023   LOG ("A: (");
00024   for (i = 0; i <   M; i++) LOGF(A[i]);
00025   LOG (") ( ");
00026   for (i = M; i < _2M; i++) { LOGF(A[i]); }
00027   LOG (")\n");  
00028 }

void artmap::toStr_dimensions  )  [private]

Logs the network's dimensions.

00014                               {
00015   LOG ("M: " << M << ", L: " << L << ", C: " << C << "N: " << N << "\n");
00016 }

void artmap::toStr_nodeJdetails int  j  )  [private]

Logs the F2 node activation (pre/post normalization = y/Y), and the class to which the node maps.

00042                                      {
00043   LOG ("y: " << y[j] << " (c: " << c[j] << ") -> Y: " << Y[j] << " (-> class " << kap[j] << ")\n");
00044 }

void artmap::toStr_nodeJtauIj int  j  )  [private]

Logs the Jth node's bottom-up thresholds ($\tau_{ij}$ ).

00050                                    {
00051   LOG ("tauIj[" << j << "]: ( ");
00052   for (i = 0; i <   M; i++) LOG(tauIj(i, j) << " ");
00053   LOG (") ( ");
00054   for (i = M; i < _2M; i++) LOG(tauIj(i, j) << " ");
00055   LOG (")\n");  
00056 }

void artmap::toStr_nodeJtauJi int  j  )  [private]

Logs the Jth node's top-down thresholds ($\tau_{ji}$ ).

00062                                    {
00063   LOG ("tauJi[" << j << "]: ( ");
00064   for (i = 0; i <   M; i++) LOG(tauJi(i, j) << " ");
00065   LOG (") ( ");
00066   for (i = M; i < _2M; i++) LOG(tauJi(i, j) << " ");
00067   LOG (")\n");  
00068 }

void artmap::toStr_nodeJTSH int  j  )  [private]

Logs the F2 input signal, along with its tonic and phasic components (H = $\Theta$ ).

00034                                  {
00035   LOG ("(S: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision (2) << S[j] << ", H: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision (2) << H[j] << ") -> T: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision (2) << T[j] << "\n");
00036 }

void artmap::toStr_sigma_i  )  [private]

Logs the F3->F1 signal $\sigma_i$.

00086                            {
00087   LOG ("sigma_i: (");
00088   for (i = 0; i <   M; i++) LOGF(sigma_i[i]);
00089   LOG (") ( ");
00090   for (i = M; i < _2M; i++) LOGF(sigma_i[i]);
00091   LOG (")\n");  
00092 }

void artmap::toStr_sigma_k  )  [private]

Logs the output prediction $\sigma_k$.

00098                            {
00099   LOG ("sigma_k: ");
00100   for (k = 0; k < L; k++) LOG (sigma_k[k] << " ");
00101   LOG ("\n");
00102 }

void artmap::toStr_x  )  [private]

Logs the match field activations.

00074                      {
00075   LOG ("x: (");
00076   for (i = 0; i <   M; i++) LOGF(x[i]);
00077   LOG (") ( ");
00078   for (i = M; i < _2M; i++) LOGF(x[i]);
00079   LOG (")\n");  
00080 }

void artmap::train float *  a,
int  K

Trains the artmap network: Given input vector a, predict target class K.

a - Input values 0..M-1, each in [0, 1]
K - Target class, in 0..L-1
The code implements the logic shown in the following flowchart.
  • Only the distributed model uses the left-hand branches (labeled 'distrib'). The Fuzzy, Default and IC models all use the right-hand 'wta' branches.
  • The path via the “New Node” module is triggered by setting the needNewNode flag, and dropping out of the enclosing loops.
  • eligibleNodes represents $|\Lambda|$ , which is set in F0_to_F2_signal(), and then decremented each time through the “CAM(wta)” module. In other words, the while (eligibleNodes > 0){} loop in the code corresponds to the loop through “$\Lambda=\oslash?$ ” in the flowchart.


ARTMAP Training Flowchart

00097 {
00098   LOG_ENTER (4, "train(");
00099   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { LOG ("["); for (i=0;i<M;i++)LOGF(a[i]); LOG ("] --> " << K << ")\n"); }
00101   bool d = (NetworkType == DISTRIB) ? true : false;
00102   bool needNewNode = false;
00103   isFromTie = false;
00105   this->K = K;             // Save target class 
00107   complementCode (a);
00109   if (C == 0) {            // New network - commit a new node
00110     needNewNode = true;
00111   } else {
00112     rho = RhoBar;          // Reset network vigilance to baseline
00114     int eligibleNodes = F0_to_F2_signal();
00116   for (;;) {                       // Outer loop: Match tracking 
00117       bool passedVigilance = false;
00119       while (eligibleNodes > 0) {    // Inner loop: Vigilance 
00120         if (d) {
00121           CAM_distrib(); F1signal_distrib();
00122         } else { 
00123           CAM_WTA();     F1signal_WTA();  eligibleNodes--; 
00124         }
00126         if (passesVigilance()) { passedVigilance = true; break; }
00128         d = false;
00129         if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("Match not good enough! Reverting to WTA\n"); };
00130       } // Failed vigilance, try again
00132       if (passedVigilance == false) { // Fell through without finding candidate
00133         if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("Out of eligible nodes, allocating new one\n"); };
00134         needNewNode = true; break; 
00135       }
00137       // Passed vigilance criterion
00138       int Kprime = (d ? prediction_distrib() : prediction_WTA());
00140       if (Kprime == K) break;
00142       matchTracking();
00144       d = false;
00145       if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { INDENT; LOG ("Predicted wrong class! Reverting to WTA\n"); };
00146     } // predicted wrong class, try again
00147   }
00149   if (LOG_LEVEL(4)) { if (isFromTie) LOG("Node " << J << " (from tie) wins" << endl); }
00151   if (needNewNode) {
00152     newNode();
00153   } else {
00154     if (NetworkType == DISTRIB) { creditAssignment(); resonance_distrib(); } else { resonance_WTA();  }
00155   }
00157   LOG_LEAVE(4)
00158 }

Member Data Documentation

int artmap::_2M [private]

To keep from repeatedly calculating 2*M.

float* artmap::A [private]

Index ranges - i: 1-M, j: 1-C; k: 1-L Indexed by i - Complement-coded input.

float artmap::Alpha [private]

Signal rule parameter.

float artmap::Beta [private]

Learning rate.

float* artmap::c [private]

Indexed by j - F2->F3.

int artmap::C [private]

Number of committed nodes.

float* artmap::dKap [private]

Distributed version of kap.

bool artmap::dMapWeights [private]

if true, use dKap, else use kap

float artmap::Eps [private]

Match tracking parameter.

float* artmap::H [private]

Indexed by j - Tonic F0->F2 (Capital Theta).

int artmap::i [private]

int artmap::j [private]

int artmap::J [private]

In WTA mode, index of the winning node.

int artmap::k [private]

Indices i, j and k, so we don't have to declare 'em everywhere.

int artmap::K [private]

The target class (1-L, not 0-(L-1)).

int* artmap::kap [private]

Indexed by j - F3->Fab (small kappa).

int artmap::L [private]

Number of output classes ([1-L], not [0-(L-1)]).

bool* artmap::lambda [private]

Indexed by j - T if node is eligible, F otherwise.

int artmap::M [private]

Number of inputs (before complement-coding).

int artmap::N [private]

Growable upper bound on coding nodes.

RunModeType artmap::NetworkType [private]

Controls the algorithm used.

ofstream* artmap::ostCategoryActivations [private]

float artmap::P [private]

CAM rule power parameter.

float artmap::rho [private]

Current vigilance.

float artmap::RhoBar [private]

Baseline vigilance - training.

float artmap::RhoBarTest [private]

Baseline vigilance - testing.

float* artmap::S [private]

Indexed by j - Phasic F0->F2.

float* artmap::sigma_i [private]

Indexed by i - F3->F1.

float* artmap::sigma_k [private]

Indexed by k - F3->F0ab.

float artmap::sum_x [private]

To avoid recomputing norm.

float* artmap::T [private]

Indexed by j - Total F0->F2.

float* artmap::tIj [private]

Indexed by i&j - F0->F2 (tau sub ij).

float* artmap::tJi [private]

Indexed by j&i - F3->F1 (tau sub ji).

float artmap::Tu [private]

Uncommitted node activation.

float* artmap::x [private]

Indexed by i - F1, matching.

float* artmap::Y [private]

Indexed by j - F3, counting.

float* artmap::y [private]

Indexed by j - F2, coding.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Fri Jan 6 15:48:08 2006 for ARTMAP by  doxygen 1.4.3