IEEE Neural Networks Pioneer Award (2008)
Slovak Artificial Intelligence Society Award (2002)
Gabor Award, International Neural Network Society (1999)
International Neural Network Society
Governing Board (1987–)
Secretary & Executive Committee (1994–2000)
American Mathematical Society
AMS Council – Member‑at‑Large (1996‑1999)
Committee on the Profession (1996‑1999)
Vice President (1988‑1989) Liaison Committee with AAAS (2004‑2006)

Editorial Boards
Brain Research
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
Neural Networks
Neural Processing Letters
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Neural Networks Society
International Neural Network Society (INNS)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
Vision Sciences Society