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Author(s): Meuth, R.J. | Robinette, P. |
Year: 2008
Citation: IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) Vols:1-8 Pages: 686-691
Abstract: The NetFlix Prize is a research contest that will award $1 Million to the first group to improve NetFlix's movie recommendation system by 10%. Contestants are given a dataset containing the movie rating histories of customers for movies. From this data, a processing scheme must be developed that can predict how a customer will rate a given movie on a scale of 1 to 5. An architecture is presented that utilizes the Fuzzy-Adaptive Resonance Theory clustering method to create an interesting set of data attributes that are input to a neural network for mapping to a classification.
Machine Learning,
Information Fusion,
ART 2 / Fuzzy ART,