Learning from noisy information in FasArt and FasBack neuro-fuzzy systems

Author(s): CanoIzquierdo, J.M. | Dimitriadis, Y.A. | GomezSanchez, E. | LopezCoronado, J. |

Year: 2001

Citation: Neural Networks Volume: 14 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 407-25

Abstract: Neuro-fuzzy systems have been in the focus of recent research as a solution to jointly exploit the main features of fuzzy logic systems and neural networks. Within the application literature, neuro-fuzzy systems can be found as methods for function identification. This approach is supported by theorems that guarantee the possibility of representing arbitrary functions by fuzzy systems. However, due to the fact that real data are often noisy, generation of accurate identifiers is presented as an important problem. Within the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), PROBART architecture has been proposed as a solution to this problem. After a detailed comparison of these architectures based on their design principles, the FasArt and FasBack models are proposed. They are neuro-fuzzy identifiers that offer a dual interpretation, as fuzzy logic systems or neural networks. FasArt and FasBack can be trained on noisy data without need of change in their structure or data preprocessing. In the simulation work, a comparative study is carried out on the performances of Fuzzy ARTMAP, PROBART, FasArt and FasBack, focusing on prediction error and network complexity. Results show that FasArt and FasBack clearly enhance the performance of other models in this important problem.

Topics: Machine Learning, Models: ART 2 / Fuzzy ART, Modified ART,

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