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Author(s): Carpenter, G.A. | Grossberg, S. |
Year: 1992
Citation: U.S. Patent Nos. 4,914,708 and 5,133,021: System for self-organization of stable category recognition codes for analog patterns
Abstract: U.S. Patent Nos. 4,914,708 and 5,133,021: System for self-organization of stable category recognition codes for analog patterns (Filed: June 19, 1987. Issued: April 3, 1990 and July 21, 1992). Based on Carpenter, G.A. & Grossberg, S. (1987). ART 2: Self-organization of stable category recognition codes for analog input patterns. Applied Optics : Special Issue on Neural Networks, 26, 4919-4930.
ART 2: Self organization of stable category recognition codes for analog input patterns
Adaptive resonance architectures are neural networks that self-organize stable pattern recognition codes in real-time in response to arbitrary sequences of input patterns. This article introduces ART 2, a class of adaptive ... Article Details