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Author(s): Grossberg, S. |
Year: 1978
Citation: In R. Rosen and F. Snell (Eds.), Progress in theoretical biology, Volume 5. New York: Academic Press, pp. 233-374.
Abstract: A psychophysiological theory of the self-organization and performance of sensory-motor codes, maps, and plans is derived herein. this general topic includes a variety of phenomena in many species, ranging from the imprinting of sensory motor coordinates in an infant to complex goal oriented serial behavior in an adult. The theory approaches the problem of biological diversity by seeking organizational principles that have evolved in response to environmental pressures to which a surviving species must adapt. these organizational principles are translated into explicit neural networks that realize the principles in a minimal way. Once the properties of the minimal mechanisms are understood, variations of them can be more readily recognized and analyzed in species specific examples.
Biological Learning,