Adaptation and gain normalization: A comment on Ullman and Schechtman (1982)

Author(s): Grossberg, S. |

Year: 1983

Citation: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (B), 219, 471-473

Abstract: A well-known process for adaptation and gain normalization is compared with the process described by S. Ullman and G. Schechtman (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 216, 299-313 (1982)). A neural interpretation of this process in terms of transmitter gating, slow accumulation, and release is described. Applications to a wide variety of problems in perception, cognition, and motivated behaviour can be made by embedding the gating process into opponent processes, notably shunting on-centre off-surround networks, to form a network module called a gated dipole field.

Topics: Biological Learning, Models: Other,

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Cross References

  1. Adaptation and transmitter gating in vertebrate photoreceptors
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  2. Adaptive pattern classification and universal recoding: II Feedback, expectation, olfaction, illusions
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