Some physiological and biochemical consequences of psychological postulates

Author(s): Grossberg, S. |

Year: 1968

Citation: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 60, 758-765

Abstract: This note lists some psychological, physiological, and biochemical predictions that have been derived from simple psychological postu]ates. These psychological postulates have been used to derive a nev learning theory, 1-3 which is called the theory of embedding fields. The mathematical variables of the theory have natural psychological labels-such as "presentation of a letter or spatial pattern at time 4," "guess of a letter at time t_1" "stimulus trace," "associational strength," ;etc.-due to the fact that the theory is derived on a psychological basis. Given the psychologically derived theory, one then observes that its mathematical val.iables are already in a form that suggests a neurophysiological, anatomical, and in some cases biochemical labeling for these variables. For example, the theory contains geometrical objects which are readily identified with cell bodies, axons, synaptic knobs, and synapses. It also contains, associated with the geometrical objects, dynamical variables that readily call to mind membrane potentials, spilcing frequencies, transmitter substances, various ions, and the like. Once the mathem:1tical variables are labeled with these suggestive physiological and anatomical labels, the psychologically derived laws of the theory thereupon imply functional relationships between these empiric:11 variables, as well as a psychologia1 rationile for the existence of these relationships in terms of how the brain might learn, remember, and recall what it has learned.

Topics: Mathematical Foundations of Neural Networks, Applications: Other, Models: Other,

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