Unitization, automaticity, temporal order, and word recognition

Author(s): Grossberg, S. |

Year: 1984

Citation: Cognition and Brain Theory, 7, 263-283

Abstract: Samuel, van Santen, and Johnston (1982,1983) reported a word length effect in a word superiority paradigm. A word length effect was predicted in Grossberg (1978a). This article describes the main concepts about the unitization process that led to this prediction. The article also cliscussesr ecent data and models of word and letter perception, controlled and :automatic information processing, temporal order information in short term memory and in long term memory, spreading activation, and limited capacity due to inhibitory interactions in terms of the unitization process. It is shown that several popular models have been based upon an inadequate definition of the functional units of cognitive processing, and of the principles subserving the unitization process. The dichotomy between automatic processing and limited capacity processing is, for example, based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the unitization process. These problems have caused internal paradoxes and predictive limitations of the models, which have prevented them from being unified into a single processing theory. A self-organization critique"" :is applied to some recent models to illustrate their internal difficulties. It is a.lso shown how principles of selforganization can be used to generate a theory wherein these data domains and their empirical models can begin to be unified.

Topics: Biological Learning,

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Cross References

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