CNS Articles

Articles listed below focus on analysis and applications of neural network systems originally developed by CELEST faculty, including ART, ARTMAP, and BCS/FCS.

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A prediction theory for some nonlinear functional-differential equations, II: Learning of patterns (1968)
Categories Topics: Mathematical Foundations of Neural Networks,
Author(s) Grossberg, S. |
Abstract This paper studies the following system of nonlinear difference-differentialequations: [...](3)where i, j, k = 1, 2,..., n, and /3 0. We will establish global limit andoscillation theorems for the nonnegative solutions of ...

A prediction theory for some nonlinear functional-differential equations, I: Learning of lists (1968)
Categories Topics: Mathematical Foundations of Neural Networks,
Author(s) Grossberg, S. |
Abstract In this paper, we study some systems of nonlinear functional-differentialequations of the form
X(t) = AX(t) + B(X,) X(t - r) + C(t), t 0, (1)which ...

Nonlinear difference-differential equations in prediction and learning theory (1967)
Categories Topics: Mathematical Foundations of Neural Networks,
Author(s) Grossberg, S. |
Abstract Introduction.-This note introduces some nonlinear difference-differential equations which can be interpreted as a learning theory or, alternatively, as a prediction theory whose goal is to discuss the prediction of ...

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