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Note: Authors are listed alphabetically, not necessarily in bibliographic order.

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Gaudiano, P. , Grossberg, S., Adaptive vector integration to endpoint: Self-organizing neural circuits for control of planned movement trajectories, Human Movement Science, 11, 141-155 (1992).

Gaudiano, P. , Grossberg, S., Vector associative maps: Unsupervised real-time error-based learning and control of movement trajectories, Neural Networks, 4, 147-183 (1991).

Georgiopoulos, M. , AlDaraiseh, A. , Anagnostopoulos, G. , Kaylani, A. , Mollaghasemi, M. , Wu, A.S., GFAM: Evolving fuzzy ARTMAP neural networks, NEURAL NETWORKS Volume: 20 Issue: 8 Pages: 874-892 (2007).



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Gopal, S. , Karthikeyan, B. , Venkatesh, S., ART 2 - an unsupervised neural network for PD pattern recognition and classification, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Pages: 345-350 (2006).

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Gorchetchnikov, A. , Grossberg, S., Space, time, and learning in the hippocampus: How fine spatial and temporal scales are expanded into population codes for behavioral control, Neural Networks, 20(2):182-93 (2007).

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Granger, E , Grossberg, S. , Lavoie, P. , Rubin, M.A., Classification of Incomplete Data Using the Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Network, Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2000) (2000).

Granger, E , Grossberg, S. , Lavoie, P. , Rubin, M.A., A what-and-where fusion neural network for recognition and tracking of multiple radar emitters, Neural Networks, 14, 325-344 (2001).

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Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E., U.S. Patent #4,803,736: Neural networks for machine vision, U.S. Patent #4,803,736: Neural networks for machine vision (1989).

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Grossberg, S. , Grunewald, A., Temporal dynamics of binocular disparity processing with corticogeniculate interactions, Neural Networks, 15, 181-200 (2002).

Grossberg, S. , Grunewald, A., Self-organization of binocular disparity tuning by reciprocal corticogeniculate interactions, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 199-215 (1998).

Grossberg, S. , Grunewald, A., Cortical synchronization and perceptual framing, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9, 117-132 (1997).

Grossberg, S. , Guenther, F.H., Neural representations for sensory-motor control, I: Head-centered 3-D target positions from opponent eye commands, Acta Psychologica, 82, 115-138 (1993).

Grossberg, S. , Gutowski, W.E., Neural dynamics of decision making under risk: Affective balance and cognitive-emotional interactions, Psychological Review, 94, 300-318 (1987).

Grossberg, S. , Hong, S., A neural model of surface perception: Lightness, anchoring, and filling-in, Spatial Vision, 19, 263-321 (2006).

Grossberg, S. , Hong, S., A neuromorphic model for achromatic and chromatic surface representation of natural images, Neural Networks , 2004, 17 , 787-808 (2004).

Grossberg, S. , Huang, T.R., ARTSCENE: A Neural System for Natural Scene Classification, Journal of Vision, 9(4):6, 1-19,, doi:10.1167/9.4.6. (2009).

Grossberg, S. , Hwang, S. , Mingolla, E., Thalamocortical dynamics of the McCollough effect: Boundary-surface alignment through perceptual learning, Vision Research, 42, 1259-1286 (2002).

Grossberg, S. , Kelly, F.J., Neural dynamics of 3-D surface perception: Figure-ground separation and lightness perception, Perception & Psychophysics, 62, 1596-1619. (2000).

Grossberg, S. , Kelly, F.J., Neural dynamics of binocular brightness perception, Vision Research, 39, 3796-3816 (1999).

Grossberg, S. , Kuhlmann, L. , Mingolla, E., A neural model of 3D shape-from-texture: Multiple-scale filtering, boundary grouping, and surface filling-in, Vision Research, 47(5):634-672 (2007).

Grossberg, S. , Levine, D. , Schmajuk, N.A., Predictive regulation of associative learning in a neural network by reinforcement and attentive feedback, International Journal of Neurology, 21-22, 83-104 (1988).

Grossberg, S. , Levine, D., Neural dynamics of attentionally modulated Pavlovian conditioning: Blocking, inter-stimulus interval, and secondary reinforcement, Applied Optics, 26, 5015-5030 (1987).

Grossberg, S. , Levine, D., On visual illusions in neural networks: Line neutralization, tilt aftereffect, and angle expansion, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 61, 477-504 (1976).

Grossberg, S. , Levine, D., Some developmental and attentional biases in the contrast enhancement and short-term memory of recurrent neural networks, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 53, 341-380 (1975).

Grossberg, S. , Marshall, J., Stereo boundary fusion by cortical complex cells: A system of maps, filters, and feedback networks, Neural Networks, 2, 29-51 (1989).

Grossberg, S. , McLaughlin, C., Cortical computation of stereo disparity, Vision Research, 38 , 91-99 (1998).

Grossberg, S. , McLaughlin, C., Cortical dynamics of 3-D surface perception: Binocular and half-occluded scenic images, Neural Networks, 1997, 10 , 1583-1605 (1997).

Grossberg, S. , Merrill, J.W.L., The hippocampus and cerebellum in adaptively timed learning, recognition, and movement, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 8, 257-277 (1996).

Grossberg, S. , Merrill, J.W.L., A neural network model of adaptively timed reinforcement learning and hippocampal dynamics, Cognitive Brain Research, 1 , 3-38 (1992).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Fazl, A., View-invariant object category learning, recognition, and search: How spatial and object attention are coordinated using surface-based attentional shrouds, COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-48 (2009).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Pack, C., A neural model of smooth pursuit control and motion perception by cortical area MST, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13, 102-120 (2001).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Pack, C., A neural model of motion processing and visual navigation by cortical area MST, Cerebral Cortex, 9, 878-895 (1999).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Ross, W.D., Visual cortical mechanisms of perceptual grouping: Interacting layers, networks, columns, and maps, Neural Networks, 13(6), 571-588. (2000).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Ross, W.D., A neural network for enhancing boundaries and surfaces in synthetic aperture radar images, Neural Networks, 12(3), 499-511 (1999).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Ross, W.D., Visual brain and visual perception: How does the cortex do perceptual grouping?, Trends in Neurosciences, 20, 106-111 (1997).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Ross, W.D., A neural theory of attentive visual search: Interactions of boundary, surface, spatial, and object representations, Psychological Review, 101, 470-489 (1994).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Todorovic, D., A neural network architecture for preattentive vision, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 36, 65-84 (1989).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Viswanathan, L., Neural dynamics of motion integration and segmentation within and across apertures, Vision Research, 41, 2521-2553 (2001).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E. , Williamson, J.R., Synthetic aperture radar processing by a multiple scale neural system for boundary and surface representation, Neural Networks, 8, 1005-1028 (1995).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E., How the Brain Sees:  Fundamentals and Recent Progress in Modeling Vision, Presentation to the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, May 6, 2005, Sarasota, Florida. (2005).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E., Neural dynamics of motion perception: Direction fields, apertures, and resonant grouping, Perception and Psychophysics, 53, 243-278 (1993).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E., Neural dynamics of surface perception: Boundary webs, illuminants, and shape-from-shading, Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 37, 116-165 (1987).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E., Computer simulation of neural networks for perceptual psychology, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 18, 601-607 (1986).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E., Neural dynamics of perceptual grouping: Textures, boundaries, and emergent segmentations, Perception and Psychophysics, 38, 141-171 (1985).

Grossberg, S. , Mingolla, E., Neural dynamics of form perception: Boundary completion, illusory figures, and neon color spreading, Psychological Review, 92, 173-211 (1985).

Grossberg, S. , Myers, C.W., The resonant dynamics of speech perception: Interword integration and duration-dependent backward effects, Psychological Review, 107, 735-767 (2000).

Grossberg, S. , Okatan, M., Frequency-dependent synaptic potentiation, depression, and spike timing induced by Hebbian pairing, Neural Networks, 13, 699-708 (2000).

Grossberg, S. , Olson, S., A neural network model for the development of simple and complex cell receptive fields within cortical maps of orientation and ocular dominance, Neural Networks, 11, 189-208 (1998).

Grossberg, S. , Olson, S., Rules for the cortical map of ocular dominance and orientation columns, Neural Networks, 7, 883-894 (1994).

Grossberg, S. , Paine, R.W. , Van Gemmert, A.W.A., A quantitative evaluation of the AVITEWRITE model of handwriting learning, Human Movement Science, 23, 837-860 (2004).

Grossberg, S. , Paine, R.W., A neural model of corticocerebellar interactions during attentive imitation and predictive learning, Neural Networks, 13, 999-1046. (2000).

Grossberg, S. , Pepe, J., Spiking threshold and overarousal effects in serial learning, Journal of Statistical Physics, 3, 95-125 (1971).

Grossberg, S. , Pepe, J., Schizophrenia: Possible dependence of associational span, bowing, and primacy vs. recency on spiking threshold, Behavioral Science, 15, 359-362 (1970).

Grossberg, S. , Pessoa, L., Texture segregation, surface representation, and figure-ground separation, Vision Research, 38, 2657-2684 (1998).

Grossberg, S. , Pilly, P.K., Temporal dynamics of decision-making during motion perception in the visual cortex, Vision Research, 48(12), 1345-1373 (2008).

Grossberg, S. , Pinna, B., The watercolor illusion and neon color spreading: A unified analysis of new cases and neural mechanisms, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 22, 2207-2221 (2005).

Grossberg, S. , Raizada, R., Contrast-sensitive perceptual grouping and object-based attention in the laminar circuits of primary, Vision Research, 40, 1413-1432. (2000).

Grossberg, S. , Raizada, R., Towards a theory of the laminar architecture of cerebral cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 13, 100-113. (2003).

Grossberg, S. , Raizada, R., Context-sensitive bindings by the laminar circuits of V1 and V2: A unified model of perceptual grouping, attention, and orientation contrast, Visual Cognition, 8, 431-466 (2001).

Grossberg, S. , Repin, D., A neural model of how the brain represents and compares multi-digit numbers, Neural Networks, 16, 1107-1140. (2003).

Grossberg, S. , Rudd, M.E., Cortical dynamics of visual motion perception: Short-range and long-range apparent motion, Psychological Review , 99 , 78-121 (1992).

Grossberg, S. , Rudd, M.E., A neural architecture for visual motion perception: Group and element apparent motion, Neural Networks, 2, 421-450 (1989).

Grossberg, S. , Schmajuk, N.A., Neural dynamics of adaptive timing and temporal discrimination during associative learning, Neural Networks, 2 , 79-102 (1989).

Grossberg, S. , Schmajuk, N.A., Neural dynamics of attentionally-modulated Pavlovian conditioning: Conditioned reinforcement, inhib, Psychobiology, 15, 195-240 (1987).

Grossberg, S. , Seidman, D., Neural dynamics of autistic behaviors: Cognitive, emotional, and timing substrates, Psychological Review, 113, 483-525 (2006).

Grossberg, S. , Seitz, A., Laminar development of receptive fields, maps, and columns in visual cortex: The coordinating role of the subplate, Cerebral Cortex, 13, 852-863 (2003).

Grossberg, S. , Somers, D., Synchronized oscillations during cooperative feature linking in a cortical model of visual perception, Neural Networks, 4, 453-466 (1991).

Grossberg, S. , Stone, G.O., Neural dynamics of attention switching and temporal order information in short-term memory, Memory and Cognition, 14, 451-468 (1986).

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Grossberg, S. , Swaminathan, G., A laminar cortical model for 3D perception of slanted and curved surfaces and of 2D images, Vision Research, 44, 1147-1187. (2004).

Grossberg, S. , Todorovic, D., Neural dynamics of 1-D and 2-D brightness perception: A unified model of classical and recent phenomena, Perception and Psychophysics, 43, 241-277 (1988).

Grossberg, S. , Versace, M., Spikes, synchrony, and attentive learning by laminar thalamocortical circuits, Brain Research, in press (2008).

Grossberg, S. , Williamson, J.R., A neural model of how horizontal and interlaminar connections of visual cortex develop into adult circuits that carry out perceptual groupings and learning, Cerebral Cortex, 11, 37-58. (2001).

Grossberg, S. , Williamson, J.R., A self-organizing neural system for learning to recognize textured scenes, Vision Research, 39, 1385-1406 (1999).

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